Razpis EIT Health InnoStars RIS Innovation Call 2023

Odlična priložnost za vse prebojne inovacije s področja zdravja! EIT Health razpisuje sredstva za razvoj lokalnega inovacijskega okolja. Do 75.000€ nepovratnega financiranja lahko pridobijo projekti, na katerih sodelujejo: akademski partner (akademska, raziskovalna ali zdravstvena institucija oz. z njo povezana raziskovalna skupina) in vsaj en neakademski partner (podjetje).


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75.000€ za razvoj lokalnega inovacijskega okolja! 

Odlična priložnost za vse prebojne inovacije s področja zdravja! EIT Health razpisuje sredstva za razvoj lokalnega inovacijskega okolja. Do 75.000€ nepovratnega financiranja lahko pridobijo projekti, na katerih sodelujejo:

  • akademski partner (akademska, raziskovalna ali zdravstvena institucija oz. z njo povezana raziskovalna skupina)
  • in vsaj en neakademski partner (podjetje)

 RIS Innovation Call 2021

Projekti morajo izkazovati jasno inovativnost in tržni potencial ter dosegati vsaj raven 3 po CIMIT metodologiji. Kar pomeni stopnja validacije ideje “proof of concept”.

Maksimalna višina financiranja na partnerja je 25.000 eur. Vodilni partner mora prihajati iz zahodne kohezijske regije!

Ključni podatki pri sestavljanju stroškovnika:

  • 3.000 eur mora biti namenjenih celotnemu konzorciju za mentorstvo
  • 1.500 eur mora imeti vsak izmed konzorcijskih partnerjev namenjenih za potovanje. V primeru, da bodo omejitve zaradi covida se bo ta strošek lahko prestavil na druge aktivnosti.

Fokusna področja razpisa so:

1. Brain and Mental Health

Addressing brain health challenges and focusing on mental health in the workplace is mainly essential. We aim to help people worldwide achieve the best possible.

Brain health is broader than the absence of disease. It includes improving overall cognitive functioning, resilience, and the state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her abilities can cope with the everyday stresses of life, work productively, and contribute to his or her community. Brain conditions account for a large portion of the global disease burden, a challenge substantially worsened by the COVID-19 crisis, especially since the mental health of manyemployees was at risk.

2. Infectious Diseases

We need to consider how to reduce the threat of infectious diseases more broadly over the next decade.

Humanity has made enormous progress in fighting infectious diseases over the last century by improving hygiene and developing highly successful vaccines and therapeutics. At the same time, effective prevention and treatment of infectious diseases remain a major challenge across geographies. Equitably and consistently applying proven strategies, novel approaches, and collaborations across countries, populations, and systems to reduce suffering and death from infectious diseases.

3. Fostering Healthier Lives

Healthcare data provides rich insight into diseases and, when used efficiently, it will open up new possibilities. It will deliver prediction models for early diagnosis, enhance treatment and inform how we can lead healthier lives. We want to exhaust the wealth of healthcare data available across Europe to improve the lives of patients and citizens.

4. Harnessing Real-World Data

We want to change lifestyle behaviours by creating the tools and incentives for patients that help protect their health, prevent early ageing, reducing disease and disability.

The global disease burden is strongly related to behavioural factors, including dietary choices, sedentary lifestyles, smoking, alcohol, and poor medication adherence. Creating awareness about and changing these behaviours also represents a major opportunity to improve health and well-being.



The eligible applicants should get a letter of support from the local EIT Health Hub (masa.abric@lui.uni-lj.si) or the InnoStars partnerin your region before applying and submitting the application to be uploaded as a part of the application

  • The Hub Letter of Support can be downloaded from here.
  • The InnoStars partner’s Letter of Support can be downloaded from here.

The eligible applicants should sign and submit the Declaration of non-conflict of interest document as part of the proposal. It can be downloaded from here.


Save the date! #1

Spletni seminar bo s strani EIT Health organiziran 14. septembra 2022 ob 11. uri in bo obravnaval naslednje teme:

▪ uvedba programa EIT Health in programa EIT Health RIS
▪ predstavitev razpisa za inovacije EIT Health RIS 2023
▪ podrobna predstavitev prijavnice
▪ nasveti za uspešno oddajo projekta

Razpisna dokumentacija in informacije: https://eithealth.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/1_RIS_InnovationCall_2023-Final-1.pdf

Višina financiranja: do 75.000 EUR (največ 25.000 EUR na partnerja)

Rok za prijavo: 12. 10. 2022 do 17:00 CET

Oddaja prijave: preko EIT Health Optimy platforme EIT Health: Application Interface – EIT Health e.V. (optimytool.com)

Za več informacij o razpisu se obrnite na: masa.abric@lui.uni-lj.si

Kontakt za več informacij o razpisu, razpisnih pogojih in oddaji prijave pa je: InnoStars.ris@eithealth.eu


Prenesite si brošuro o pogosto zastavljenih vprašanjih o razpisu.


Pomembno! Če je vaš akademski partner Univerza v Ljubljani ali katerakoli njena članica, potem je zaradi specifik razpisa ta partner lahko le pridružen partner in ni upravičen do financiranja. Ostali partnerji projekta lahko normalno prejmejo financiranje. Za več informacij se obrnite na Ljubljanski univerzitetni inkubator.

EIT Health je neodvisna institucija EU, ki s sredstvi iz programa Obzorje 2020 in drugih virov spodbuja podjetništvo in inovacije na področju zdravja ter aktivnega staranja. V okviru regionalne inovacijske sheme (RIS) in v sodelovanju z Ljubljanskim univerzitetnim inkubatorjem (EIT Health RIS Hub) želijo spodbuditi lokalno inovacijsko okolje v Sloveniji.
