The Six Principles of Disruptive Innovation

What invenstors look for in a product roadmap and how to build a roadmap that will help you lead? Learn what it takes to innovate at Silicon Valley speed. Understand how to create disruptive innovative products, build fast moving and focused organisations and drive scalable technologies through early adopters to early mass demographics.


Dogodek sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj. Operacija se izvaja v okviru »Operativnega programa za izvajanje Evropske kohezijske politike v obdobju 2014 – 2020«, prednostne osi: »3 Dinamično in konkurenčno podjetništvo za zeleno gospodarsko rast«.

What invenstors look for in a product roadmap and how to build a roadmap that will help you lead?

Learn what it takes to innovate at Silicon Valley speed.  Understand how to create disruptive innovative products, build fast moving and focused organisations and drive scalable technologies through early adopters to early mass demographics.  

We will also talk about product innovation and how early stage companies can dramatically improve their odds with investors. 

Andy Baynes, Co Founder & CEO at GT, Investor, Entrepreneur, Former Apple & Google Executive. Joining Nest as a start up in 2012, Andy was the founding head of Nest’s business development group. Starting with the revolutionary Nest Learning Thermostat Andy developed a channel of over one hundred enterprise partners, helping propel Nest towards a $3.2 billion acquisition by Google. Andy has more than 25 years experience in the consumer electronics and IT sector and has patented a number of innovations and published several articles in both environmental and energy publications.

Blaž Zupan

Delavnica bo potekala v angleškem jeziku.

 Delavnica je namenjena: startup podjetnikom

 KDAJ: torek, 13. decembra, od 14.00 do 17.00

KJEEkonomska fakulteta – P110, Kardeljeva ploščad 17, Ljubljana

Mesta na delavnici so žal že zapolnjena!


Ekipa LUI

*Delavnice se ne snemajo.
