Dogodek sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj. Operacija se izvaja v okviru »Operativnega programa za izvajanje Evropske kohezijske politike v obdobju 2014 – 2020«, prednostne osi: »3 Dinamično in konkurenčno podjetništvo za zeleno gospodarsko rast«.
There are increasingly more investors focusing on funding social entrepreneurs and their ventures worldwide, and they are called Social Impact Investors.
The world of Social Entrepreneurship, Social Impact, and Social Innovation is different than the Tech Startup, Freelancing, and traditional business worlds. This lecture will present your perspectives, concepts, and tools to understand the basics of Social Entrepreneurship.
- Concepts and definitions
- What’s your role as an entrepreneur?
- Purpose & Responsibility
- Keegan’s chart of human development
- Building an Ecosystem
- Creating change
- Measuring Social Impact
- Practical Examples of Social Impact ventures
- Burnout
José Antonio Morales started as a tech entrepreneur in Peru in the nineties. He continued for almost a decade in Slovenia, where he received multiple local and global recognition. In the year 2012, after a two-year project in New York City, he decided to let go of the tech sector to create a new career version. Today, he is an Ashoka Visionary, founder of Aurora Coworking, Fear & Fail, and recorded thousands of hours delivering his content in multiple European countries.
Delavnica je namenjena: potencialnim podjetnikom, startupovcem, novopečenim podjetnikom in vsem, ki jih zanima podjetništvo.
Delavnica bo potekala v angleškem jeziku.
KDAJ: četrtek, 22. april, od 13. do 14.30 ure
KJE: online
Udeležba je brezplačna, prijava pa obvezna.